Category: Tips

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Baking Tip #31

July 16, 2024 By Johann Dyssel

Need a warm place to proof your bread dough? Use your oven! When you’re mixing the dough together, preheat your oven to 70°C. Turn it off, then pop in your dough to prove. Bookish Bakes

Baking Tips #30

July 16, 2024 By Johann Dyssel

If a cookie recipe tells you to chill your cookie dough, do it. Chilling the dough not only allows it time to ‘marinate’, which produces a better flavour, but it also helps the cookies keep their shape and produces a better texture. Bookish Bakes

Baking Tip #29

July 16, 2024 By Johann Dyssel

Chill your cake layers before you frost. This will result in fewer crumbs and make it so much easier to level any domed bits. Bookish Bakes

Baking Tip #27

July 13, 2024 By Johann Dyssel

Ensure you don’t overfill your pans. The cake batter needs space to rise and expand. If you fill them too much, you’ll end up with an undercooked or domed cake. A good rule of thumb is to only fill to the ⅔ mark. Bookish Bakes

Baking Tip #26

July 13, 2024 By Johann Dyssel

Don’t overmix the batter – this is a cardinal rule of cake baking. Once you add the flour/dry ingredients, be very gentle and only mix until everything is incorporated. More often than not, some lumps in the batter are okay. You’ll get a much lighter cake because you aren’t overworking the gluten. Bookish Bakes